
A Number Increased By 4

Writing Algebraic Expressions

Math, like any other language, has a fashion of communicating ideas. An algebraic expression is a concise way of describing mathematical objects through the use of numbers, variables (letters), and arithmetics operations such every bit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The iii main components of algebraic expressions are numbers, variables, and arithmetic operations.

  • Numbers or Constants

Examples:ane, half-dozen, eight, 27, 32, etc.

  • Variables or Messages

Examples:ten, y, a, h, p, etc.

  • Arithmetic Operations

Examples:+ (addition), - (subtraction) , \times (multiplication) , ÷ (sectionalization)

The following are easy examples that can help yous get familiar with the operations of improver, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  • Improver

the sum of x and 5x+5

  • Subtraction

the difference of y and 3y-3

  • Multiplication

the product of north and 22n

  • Division

the quotient of grand and seven\Big{{k \over 7}}

Writing Algebraic Expressions Pace-by-Step Examples

Let'southward go over more examples.

Example i: The sum of twice a number and iii

Reply: Permit variable x exist the unknown number. Then twice a number means 2x. The sum (apply plus symbol) of twice a number and iii can be written as 2x+3.

Case 2: The deviation of triple a number and 5

Answer: Allow variable y be the unknown number. So triple a number means 3y. The difference (utilize minus symbol) of triple a number and 5 should exist written as 3y - 5.

Instance iii: The sum of the quotient of m and ii, and the production of iv and northward.

Answer:In this case, the unknown numbers are already provided every bit k and n. That'south i less affair to worry about.

The key is to recognize that we are going to add a quotient and a product.

  • the quotient of one thousand and ii is expressed as \Large{{m \over ii}}
  • the production of four and north is expressed as 4n

Therefore, the sum of the quotient and product is {\Large{{m \over two}}} + 4n.

Example 4: The difference of the product of 7 and w, and the quotient of two and v.

Respond: In this case, the unknown numbers have been assigned with corresponding variables which are westward and v.

 The fundamental is to recognize that nosotros are going to decrease the production by the quotient of some expressions.

  • the product of 7 and w is expressed as 7w
  • the quotient of 2 and five is expressed every bit \Large{{two \over 5}}

Therefore, the difference of the product and caliber is 7w - {\Large{{ii \over five}}}.

Common Words or Terms to Mean Improver, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division

Let's go over some common words or phrases that describe the four arithmetic operations. It is critical that you understand these words or phrases in society to successfully write or interpret any given algebraic expression.

algebraic terms which imply addition are plus, more than, sum, and, total, greater than, and increased by.
algebraic terms which imply subtraction are minus, difference, take away, subtract, less than, decreased by, and less.
algebraic terms which imply multiplication are multiply, product, double, twice, triple, quadruple, and times.
algebraic terms which imply division are quotient, divided by, ratio, share, into, and over.

Math Phrases into Algebraic Expressions

The key to learning is to study a LOT of examples!

a number plus 9 y + nine
the sum of a number and x m + 10
total of a number and 5 b + 5
a number increased by 4 x + 4
h take abroad ii h − two
2 have away past a number 2 − h
a number minus 11 k − eleven
11 minus a number 11 − one thousand
a number decreased by 7 y − 7
the divergence of northward and 25 northward − 25
the difference of 25 and n 25 − north
5 less than a number x − 5
10 less than the number 5 five − x
the production of r and 4 4r
7 times a number 7p
double a number 2x
triple a number 3x
a number divided by 4 w / 4
the quotient of w and vi westward / half-dozen
the quotient of 12 and m 12 / m
a number divided by 3 f / 3
t over seven t / 7
five into a number a / five
a number into 5 five / a
the sum of x and 7 divided by 2 ( 10 + 7 ) / 2
the difference of grand and 3 over five ( m − 3) / 5
11 more than than the production of three and y 3y + eleven
six less than the caliber of c and x ( c / 10 ) − half-dozen
3 minus the production of 5 and a number 3 − 5x
the sum of 5 and the quotient of z and seven ( z / 7 ) + v
the deviation of twice a number and 3 2m − iii

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