
How To Feature Another Channel On Youtube

Learn how to feature channels on YouTube and learn about the benefits you can attain from featuring channels on your own YouTube channel.

Hello again, how's that channel going?

Are you having a great YouTube experience?

You probably could use some extra help.

This is why we are here, to help you put your best foot forward without stumbling over on your face.

So, in this article, we will be showing you how you can feature your channel on YouTube.

Let's see how this works.

Table of Contents:

How to feature channels on youtube:

    1. What are the feature channels on YouTube?
    2. How do you feature other channels on YouTube?
    3. The Benefits of Adding Feature Channels On Your Youtube Channel

What Are Featured Channels On YouTube?

Feature channels are channels that are being displayed on the side of a YouTube Channel. By using featured channels, you can expand your channel's reach and attract more subscribers to other channels you recommend.

In March 2013, YouTube took a step higher and introduced a new channel design for YouTubers and they called it "Channel one."

The design was invented as an opportunity for businesses on YouTube to brand themselves more effectively with content that's suitable for both traditional computers and mobile devices.

This is the part that applies to you: the design came with a "Featured channels" element that complements the overall package but guess what?

That's not even the only way you can take advantage of featured channels on YouTube.

Now, just to be clear, on YouTube, a "featured channel" is technically different from a "recommended channel."

While YouTube features a channel by recommending it to you, the difference lies in the fact that recommended channels are based on your already established YouTube viewing history and Google browsing behavior as recorded on your computer or mobile device.

Now, a featured channel on the other hand is a channel that has videos that YouTube thinks (based on the algorithm on the site) are worth watching.

In this case, this doesn't necessarily depend on your preferences or web-surfing patterns.

YouTube's algorithms are always working to select and feature channels on its site that will attract more views from more people.

If you want to attract YouTube's automated eyes to your own channel (which is a big deal) what should you do?

Simple, focus on creating quality videos according to the YouTube community's standards, guidelines, and recommendations which include, of course, creating quality video titles, tags, and descriptions for your videos.

If your channel gets featured on YouTube's featured channels section, you've hit it big time.

So, how do you feature channels on YouTube?

Let's find out!

How Do You Feature Other Channels On YouTube?

If you upload videos to your YouTube as a means of advertising your business, then getting featured channels is just as simple as enabling the feature on your channel.

You probably have saved those videos other YouTubers have uploaded and you would like to share them with your own audience.

All you need to do is select them and get them to appear on your channel's main page, usually in the upper right corner.

Just make sure that the videos you select reflect your brand's language and identity and they're meant to give your viewers a broader experience with your brand and business.

It's quite easy to feature other channels on YouTube.

There are no requirements for it, and you don't even need to have videos uploaded on your own channel.

The first thing you need to do is to go to YouTube, log in to your account, and then go to your channel page.

Simply do that by going to the top right to select your profile and the first option would be to select your channel and then you click that.

This will take you directly to your YouTube channel.

Now you go right to the options and Select "Customized channel" and do that.

This will load your channel page, but it's going to look different from what you are used to already.

You will have a panel that says "Feature Channels" or "Add Channels."

All you need to do is select "Add Channels."

At the top, you will find a bar that you can type in your customized title, add any emoji you want, but just make sure the title stands out and fits your brand.

The next thing you need to do is to start adding channels.

So you just enter the URL or the username of the channel you want to add to your Feature channels on your YouTube channel.

How do you do this?

Just go to the channel you want to feature, copy the URL in the address bar, then go back to your YouTube channel and paste the URL in there and just select "Add" and it gets added.

You then click "Done" and voila!

It's on your "featured channels" panelist on your YouTube channel.

What if you want to edit the channels on your "Featured Channels?"

Simple, just go to the "Featured Channels" panel and you'll see a pencil icon.

Hover over it and click it.

You will see options including "Edit" and then you click it.

It takes you back to the display of the featured channels where you can see an "X" on the featured videos just in case you want to remove them.

If you need to add more, you simply follow the steps you took before, as outlined above and you can have more channels on your Featured channels.

It doesn't end there.

You can also rearrange the order of the videos.

If you want to do this, simply click the little left panel that comes up on each video to move them wherever you want them.

Then you select "Done" and it reflects in your "Featured Channels" panel just the way you have rearranged them.

When you're done with everything you have to do on the feature channels panel, to exit, you simply go up and select "My channel" and it will take you back to your YouTube channel where everything is back to normal as you're used to and you can now see your "featured Channels" list on your YouTube channel.

In summary, just do this:

  • Make sure you are logged in click on "My channel."
  • On your homepage, click "Add Channels" under the 'Featured Channels' at the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Enter the URL or the channel username you want to add. Click "Done."
  • You can add a section near the bottom that includes channels, so just click "add a Section," "select content" and choose "custom grouping."
  • Go under "channel selection" and click "add channels", then create a title for this section and enter the channel username or URL that you want to add.
  • To change the order, simply click the up and down arrows on the upper right corner of the section.
  • You can also turn off sections (like uploads) by clicking the pencil icon on the upper right corner, then the trash icon; this cleans up your homepage and lets your audience see what you want them to watch.

That is how you add featured channels to your YouTube channel.

You can try it out now.

Adding featured channels to your YouTube homepage is super easy and you can do it in minutes!

Now that you have learned how to add featured channels to your YouTube channel, you can use it to help your friends' channels grow better and increase their subscription bases just as your way of supporting them.

You can also do the same thing for your other channels if you have other channels.

It's a feature that helps businesses gain more visibility and brand themselves more effectively while staying in front of more people at a time.

Now you have learned how to add featured channels to your YouTube channel in no time, what are the benefits of adding or featuring other channels on your channel?

Does it help you in any way?

Let's find out!

The Benefits Of Adding Feature Channels On Your YouTube Channel

By featuring channels on your own Youtube channel, you can increase your channel's visibility, exposure, subscribers, and views; you can also increase your subscriber's numbers on both yours and your fellow channels as well.

You remember the motto that says "If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together?"

That is the concept at work here when you talk about adding feature channels on YouTube.

So, what exactly is or are the benefits you stand to gain from featuring other channels on your own YouTube channel?

When you feature other channels on your own YouTube channel, what happens is that you bring all the other eyes from the featured channel into your own channel.

This means everyone who views or is subscribed to the channel you feature on your own channel will get to see your own channel and videos too.

This is a great way to build and increase your community in a short while.

When you feature other channels, the YouTuber behind the channel you feature feels obligated to also help you in return, and then they can decide to also feature your own channel on their channels.

This even gives you more engagement and visibility than you could have given yourself.

Also, when your audience notices that you feature other YouTube channels on your channel to help them or offer better solutions to what they're looking for, they are more likely to click the "share" button than not.

They will also recommend you to their friends and you get more subscribers.

Another great reason for using the feature channels feature to feature other channels on your own channel is that you get to be more connected with your colleagues in your niche or industry.

This means that you will not only get more loyal subscribers, increase your video views, and also gain the respect and cooperation of your colleagues, but you're qualified for their help or assistance whenever you come across any challenge they can help with.

If you want your channel to have a wider reach and cover more audiences, then you have to consider taking the feature channels option seriously.

Many channels have literally had their video views and subscription base explode overnight because of a single feature on another channel.

If you are also looking to create and build long-term business relationships, you can go about it by featuring the videos and channels of the people you admire and would love to work with on your own YouTube channel.

This can develop into a full-fledged business relationship that can lead to future business opportunities, collaborations, and expansion in the long run.

See this as your giving away to receive more.

So, feel good about featuring other channels on your own channel.

It helps your channel big time.

When you support other channels this way, you get thousands of loyal subscribers in return who will comment on your videos and give you the engagement you're looking for.

You can even find someone with the help you might be in need of from that single decision.

Kindness will get you a really long way on YouTube and one of the best ways to see other channels as allies, not as competitors is by using the feature channel option.

When you begin to collaborate more to support each other, you also find that people come around to give you the support you need when you need it.


So, featuring other channels on your own channel is a win-win both for your channel and the channels you get to feature.

We hope you found this article useful to you.

Please let us know in the comment section.

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Anita Michael

Anita is a part of Weshare's writing team. She has social media marketing experience for over 4 years and has been writing in-depth guides and articles about marketing, social media, and online education for the past 7 years.

How To Feature Another Channel On Youtube


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