Do you use your iPhone camera timer to have selfies or crisp night photos? If you're non taking reward of this easy-to-apply setting, y'all are missing out. Not only is the camera timer great for selfies, but it reduces camera shake so that your photos come up out sharper, especially in low-calorie-free situations. This guide will bear witness y'all how to make the most of your iPhone photograph timer.

Using the iPhone camera timer

Your iPhone camera timer is located inside the camera app and allows you to cull either a three- or 10-2nd delay before taking a photo. If you've got admission to a small smartphone tripod, it'south simple to set up your timer, tap the shutter, and look for your iPhone to do the remainder.

Keep your best shots and get rid of the residuum

When you're experimenting with a new trick, your iPhone quickly fills up with photos, making information technology hard to observe your favorites when you desire them. Stay organized with an app similar Gemini Photos, which volition help y'all notice and delete duplicate photos and blurry shots.

Download on the App Shop

How to access iPhone's photo timer

Ready to kick your selfies upwards a notch? To admission your iPhone's self-timer, simply open up your native Photographic camera app. The cocky-timer option will show up at the top of your screen as a clock icon.

On newer iPhone models, tap the up arrow at the top of your screen to reveal diverse Photographic camera settings, including the fourth dimension.

How to fix a timer on iPhone camera

The first thing yous volition demand to know is how to plough your self-timer on and off. Here'due south how to exercise information technology:

  1. Open your iPhone Photographic camera app when you lot are ready to take a photograph.
  2. Tap the clock icon to open your cocky-timer.
  3. Choose 3 or x  seconds, which is how long your camera will wait between when you lot tap the shutter push and when it really takes a photo.
  4. Frame your shot and tap the shutter button.
  5. Your camera volition wait either 3 or 10 seconds before taking a photo.
  6. Your self-timer settings will be saved and tin can be used over and once more.
  7. If you want to go dorsum to taking instant photos, simply tap the clock icon at the top of your screen and then tap Off.

Shooting with the iPhone camera timer

As we mentioned earlier, figuring out how to turn your cocky-timer on and off isn't rocket science, merely using the cocky-timer to accept great selfies and night photos takes a scrap of practice. We've got a few tips that volition help, just our nearly important tip is to proceed shooting until you lot're happy with the results.

How to utilize the iPhone camera timer for selfies and grouping shots

The iconic selfie has been around for a few years at present, merely even with a selfie stick, you cease up with a weird-looking hand or an awkward shoulder in your photo. For a more natural selfie or group photo, you need two things — a tripod and your iPod camera timer.

The 10-2d timer is best for selfies and group photos because it gives you a take a chance to nix over to your called spot and get yourself situated. Here are some instructions and tips for taking an astonishing selfie or group photo using your iPhone photo timer:

  1. Choose a spot for your shot. Look for a neutral background without patches of shadows and light. The dominicus should be off to one side or backside the camera so that there isn't a glare on your photo.
  2. If you are taking a photo with more than than ane person, have your models pose so yous tin frame your shot. If you lot are taking a true selfie, yous'll take to wing information technology.
  3. If you are using a minor iPhone tripod, position it at nigh center level for the all-time results. You can practice this past setting it on a table or another sturdy surface. If you are using a GorillaPod, y'all can securely adhere it to just about anything (tree branches, parking meters, or road signs) to frame your photograph. This is very useful for creating flexibility with your shot locations.
  4. Open up up your Camera app on your iPhone and tap on the clock icon.
  5. Choose 10 seconds and tap the shutter button.
  6. Walk back to the spot you have chosen for your photograph and strike a pose.
  7. Repeat until y'all're happy with the results.

How to take meliorate night photos with iPhone 11 Nighttime mode

When shooting photos at night, your worst enemy is the camera milkshake that results when you press the shutter push. For crisp dark shots, you will need to continue your camera as all the same as possible, and using the timer helps reduce photographic camera milkshake.

If you are shooting with an iPhone eleven or iPhone 11 Pro, you will find that your camera automatically turns on Night mode in low-light situations. Night way actually captures multiple images when you press the shutter push button. Then it blends the photos into one well-baked shot.

The Night manner icon, which looks similar a circle with a crescent moon inside it, will automatically turn yellow when information technology is activated. A number will announced adjacent to the icon to let you know how long the shot will take. A tripod will assist you lot go along your camera however during nighttime photography.

Employ the iPhone camera timer to delay the shutter and reduce milkshake. When you printing the shutter push, a timer will count down automatically, letting yous know how long the shot will take.

How to have better dark photos with older iPhone models

If you lot're shooting with older iPhone models, you can take beautiful night shots past using the iPhone camera timer and a tripod. Set your timer for 3 seconds to avoid the shake that is introduced when you tap the shutter. Hither are some more tips for shooting beautiful night photos using any type of iPhone.

  • Don't shoot moving subjects. Considering the shutter stays open up longer in depression-light situations, any motility will create mistiness. You will continue your photographic camera nevertheless by using your timer and a tripod, just your subject should too refrain from moving. Portraits are totally doable in depression low-cal, merely shooting animals, toddlers, or cars probably won't work well.
  • Reduce the exposure before taking a photo. Reducing the exposure in your photo volition foreclose your night shots from looking grainy. Y'all can change how much light is captured in your scene by tapping on the screen when framing your shot. An exposure slider will appear. Move the slider down to reduce the exposure.
  • Detect sources of light to help illuminate the scene. As technologically avant-garde as iPhones have get, they tin can't shoot photos in consummate darkness. Artificial lighting volition add interest to your nighttime shots and meliorate your chances of capturing details in your scene. Experiment with different light sources and compositions until you are happy with the results.

Ready to go out in that location and capture fabled selfies, group photos, and nighttime shots? Your iPhone is well equipped to capture these scenes using the iPhone photographic camera timer or Night mode features. All you need to add to your photography kit is a tripod.